Knowing Body Therapy
Tia K. Panagos, M.A., has been in private practice since 2003 and completely online since 2011. In this world of skyrocketing chronic illness and unexplained symptoms, Tia provides intensive support and resources for people struggling with the multitude of challenges inherent in living with chronic illness and unexplained symptoms.
She will affirm with you your own personal truth and will. She will honor your personal decisions based on all of who you are. Whatever your truth is, she will lift you up within it and encourage you to move in your life in alliance to your own particular needs and desires. She will compassionately remind you who you are within this as you move deeper into yourself. And, she will know with you that love, connection, and acceptance form our basic human needs for survival and for thriving in our own lives.
She provides an encrypted video platform for complete confidentiality.