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Spiritual Travel, Intuitive Guidance/Energy Healer, Entrepreneur

My business has morphed into an amalgamation of all my experience in sales, product development, tradeshow management, travel, television, intuitive guidance/coaching, energy healing, workshops, and creating spiritual journeys/ tour's to Egypt.

In September 21 - I am leading my SECOND - NO Vax, NO PCR, NO Mask Journey to Egypt. And I am committed to working with people & organizations that believe in our right to travel freely anywhere in the world. Though I've had my business stop to a halt...I haven't nor will I give up on the chance to assist others in experiencing OUR Divine world. I am grateful to be here and be of service as an Intuitive Life Guide and fellow seeker and advocate of the Divine nature of humanity.


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 Freedom Travel Alliance no posee ni opera ninguna aeronave. Freedom Travel Alliance trabajará con proveedores de viajes y otros servicios como asesor de su programa de membresía y como asesor de su membresía. Todos los vuelos organizados por Freedom Travel Alliance para sus miembros son realizados por compañías aéreas independientes, con licencia de la FAA y registradas en el DOT.

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