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Christian and/or Veronique

Experience (my) France

You know how overwhelming, tiring, stressful and ultimately disappointing it can be to go on a group tour or plan your own.

Experience (my) France will do it all for you:

- Providing you with a fully-guided and hosted French experience, 100% with locals over 10 days,

- Centered at Véronique's mansion, your house for the duration of the tour,

- You don’t share your bedroom or bathroom,

- Your all-inclusive tour is fully-customized around your wants and
needs as well as taking care of any personal restrictions you may have,

- Véronique, your host and guide is local, fully bilingual and bi-cultural,

- No singles supplement is applied to solo travellers,

- You decide who you’re touring with up to 8 people maximum.
Don’t get stuck with a group you don’t know.


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