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Heather Ann

Heather Ann Ferri, LLC

Heather Ferri Productions, LLC was founded in 2008 with the mission of producing Kundalini Yoga and Holistic DVDs.
Heather Ann Ferri walked away from a successful Broadway career after becoming deathly ill with complex PTSD, cancer, and losing her ability to walk for 2 years she was guided by God to write her childhood story Victim to Victory, healing generational abuse from my bloodline.

Once that book was published Heather began experiencing mystical surgeries and downloads from both Christ and Mother mary's teachings and healings. The book gives insight into the mystical and near-death experience, the suffering she felt with brain damage from physical abuse, and the resilience needed to release and heal the past to be and feel the light!

Heather has an extensive tool kit and specializes in 3 natural sciences for healing PTSD, OCD, Childhood trauma, and addictions. Heather is now filming a few students to make a documentary on healing slavery consciousness. Heather has a teacher training program for coaches in PTSD. Her public speaking topic at the moment is on healing OCD.


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