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Anima Flow Movement & Bodywork

an·i·ma /anəmə/noun

*** In Latin, mind, soul, spirit. The part of the psyche which is directed inwards, in touch with the subconscious. A current of air, wind, breath, the vital principle, life, life force.

Holly Miely offers hands on bodywork, specializing in myofascial release, therapeutic bodywork, energy work, healing & movement therapy including aspects of Qi Gong, yoga, dance, sensual movement, primal movement & body awareness. Holly’s extensive background in movement, beginning at age 4, study of the body and hands on work bring together a powerful opportunity to empower yourself to heal. No two sessions are the same as no two people are the same. Holly’s assessments will address the entire person, not a singular condition. Resulting in very personal treatment designed to address your specific areas of dis-ease.

Through her nurturing touch, empathic support and intuitive artistry, she helps you heal your bodily restrictions and physical pain, reduce stress, anxiety, depression, emotional traumas, fears and phobias, so you can experience a sense of flowing energy and balance through a body-mind-heart connection.

Anima Flow Movement & Bodywork also provides instruction and performance for pole dance, aerial yoga, yoga, Qi Gong, aerial arts, yoga, dance and personal creative expression and bodywork.


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