Truth Seekers Water Festival
We hold sacred space, in the ancient Appalachian mountains, for like minded & solution oriented souls to come together in person & online in order to co-create NEW WAYS to live as a sovereign beings creating a sovereign nation. Sharing with others how to live FREE & ABUNDANT by knowing the Source of your Water, Food/Medicine & Information which is frequency = Sound & Light. Creating a CORE Foundation by hosting 5 water festivals a year on a permanent timeline that will create a gathering space which will have multiple branches of schools, solutions and community that thrive together as a self sufficient individual that then becomes a self sufficient community. The New Earth businesses and tribe do not associate or agree to any kind of government involvement, we do not agree with 3D scripted storylines or unnatural laws being coerced upon our Sovereign Being. We will write OUR reality as we see fit guided by love & solutions for all beings, Water & Earth.
As we come together in JOY & LOVE... to share the tools and information of how to live a healthy, happy & self-healing life... we create a powerful foundation for building the New Heaven on Earth!
You will learn about the healing power of Water, Sound & Light
and how they help our body to harmonize with the environment
which we create with our thoughts/words/prayers to manifest our reality!
So lets’ Co~Create something Great!
Let us speak and share our solutions for this time of great change...
and create A New Heaven on Earth for ALL to ENJOY!!!