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Galerie 'Ūmatatea

My art studio/gallery is on the island of Huahine in French Polynesia. My first experience in Tahiti was 1979, when I spend 8 months and had two very successful exhibitions. After 20 years of wishing to return, I finally came back in 1999. I built a "grass shack" (coconut thatched roof!!) to live in, and another one to paint and exhibit in. I paint and draw the people, the landscapes, seascapes, scenes from the Polynesian lifestyle, still lifes of tropical fruits and flowers....inspired by the exquisite beauty that surrounds me on this enchanting island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I work in various mediums, but primarily oils. I have also created a selection of limited edition prints. My gallery is featured on Saatchi, on Facebook, on Instagram, and I have two websites. I can mail my artwork to most places (when governments aren't being crazy!)


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