While each member of the team, is all in our own right a trailblazer, changemaker, or tastemaker, it is what is in our hearts that takes us to places and it is what will lead us to intersect, build, and map out this parallel world that we are creating together. We are working to honor our rights to live better, free lives starting with
the right to movement.
To be the solution provider in the travel and transportation industry, honoring everyone's right to move freely and to bring joy back into travel industry.

Employee Advocacy is key in a post-plandemic world.
The past year has illuminated the radical changes in what many people have come to expect from their employers. Everyone was forced to make some serious adaptations to how and where we work. As many employees are returning to the air, land, sea, hotel, car, truck or office,the most important question they ask themselves is simply:
Do I feel supported by my company?
That is where connecting with other link-minded people can help you create a strong Employee Resources Group that is led by the employees to help safeguard rights based on the already established company policies!
We are building an ecosystem of like-minded members, partners, and businesses to safeguard our rights to move around the world as a freedom traveler. Join our tribe today!
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