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Isabella Lynnette

Breath of Green Missions

I am awaiting you to have another payment processor besides PayPal. Then I will become a CREW or PILOT member. I am an international published author, Certified Medicine Woman & Health Practitioner, Minister for the Environment as well as a mentor and retreat organizer.
Our retreats were taking place in Fiji, where my home and farm are, then we moved them to Mexico due to the obvious. We are NOW hosting our Art of Health Restoration retreat in the KEYS in November. We also have our Hungry for Health Gala planned for mid January of 2022 in Miami, FL.
I would love for us to collaborate.

I have a community of like minds in Mexico and Fiji in which we offer our land for those who desire to set a home stead. I have a Tiny Home project in Fiji in which we will be renting out as Air B & B. We also have a wellness center there for products and services..


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