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Wellbeing in York CIC

We offer open access to all - masks or no masks, and our premises is accessible to wheelchair users. We don't have a hearing loop but it is a small personal sized venue and we only have 1 one - to - one treatments at a time, or small groups of up to 8.

We want to help people with their self care to keep well and to provide videos about cancer and vaccines among other health related topics. We aim to educate our customers and colleagues in the current world events to consider helping themselves to better health with our methods.


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 Freedom Travel Alliance non possiede né gestisce alcun aeromobile. Freedom Travel Alliance lavorerà con fornitori di servizi di viaggio e altri come consulente del suo programma di adesione e come consulente della sua adesione. Tutti i voli organizzati da Freedom Travel Alliance per i suoi membri sono effettuati da vettori aerei indipendenti di terze parti con licenza FAA e registrati DOT.

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