Connecticut Becomes One of the First States to Require Schools to Teach Climate Change
I think there should be some discussion surrounding how propagandists use these narratives to manipulate the masses. In this narrative, the object of focus is carbon dioxide as the virus was to the scamdemic as terrorists are to the war on terror or how human beings are to the Malthusian doctrine. The idea that you should care for the planet because industrial growth is causing greenhouse emissions to rise, leading to warmer or abnormal weather events. There is this guilt driven aspect to it as well just as with the lockdowns and masks. It is another cult that is going to emerge like the Covidian cult unless people find a way around it -- and another false flag is coming.
Total fraud just like the Planscamdemic.
Pollution is a real problem as is deforestation and habitat destruction for mining all driven by greed to make/market a lot of 'stuff' we do not need. The carbon the predator globalist technocrat ruling psychopaths want to get rid of US, THE 'USELESS EATERS'! RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY!