Finished TPOT last week. Gobsmacked that there’s absolutely no reference to Joost Meerloo. Some of the examples Desmit gives are almost direct quotes (a streak of hair turning white for instance).
When I would recommend Meerloo’s Rape of the Mind to people, they’d ask what it was about. This was my answer:
“Mentacide…but ultimately about the psychology of totalitarianism“. Hence my interest in TPOT
So many references to Le Bon and the Russian gentlemen (forget his name at the moment), but not Meerloo.
Woukd love to know why.
At your suggestion, Vince - I ordered Meerloo and just started reading it. I see similarities, yes - Mattias relies heavily on Arendt and LeBon, and I've heard him mention Merloo in a few interviews. I am curious and will keep reading... Thanks. Rob