I'm so mad and suspicious at Catherine Austin Fitts, who just this last Thursday/6th on her "Ask Catherine" audio (post Money and Markets Report with John Titus) replied to two of her readers who were defending Desmet. https://home.solari.com/coming-up-money-markets-report-october-6-2022/ (You have to be a paid subscriber)
She said that she was getting ready to launch more hit pieces against him (my words) to stop him because of how "Dangerous" he is in covering up mass-murders. Now, besides her and Breggin's misinterpretation of Desmet's work, by discrediting Mass Formation as a "Dangerous Fraud" how is she not guilty of engaging in Cancel Culture and "Dangerous Misinformation" with pushing these character assassinations? 😡 ARE THESE BULLIES IN THEIR OWN MASS FORMATION?
Catherine and Desmet both have valid and points that contribute to our awareness. Catherine is saying we are being controlled by organized crime, moffia types who have take over every facet of our society. She can back this up. See, listen to Whitney Webb on financial rebellion (CHD tv). Web has a book detailing the roots of this corruption. Desmet offers use insight of how and why we have become so weak and fearful as a culture. If we can regain our principles and stop reacting so in approprietly to fear, turn of the mass media, we would see our world more clearly and react approprietly in the face of manipulation/ propoganda.